Monday, September 2, 2013

My teacher reputation

So I found out through another teacher that students say I'm "nice, but strict." I think that's a pretty perfect reputation for a teacher to have! I'm actually a little thrilled by it. I wonder - do I have last year's class to thank for that? :) I do miss them!

One day last week I was walking down the hallway to talk to one of the fourth graders, and one of the fourth grade girls stopped me. She was getting a snack out of her backpack, and she insisted that I take one of her favorite cookies! I tried to say no, but then I couldn't resist, because she was being so sweet. This is how much I love her: a. The cookie wasn't part of my diet. b. I didn't ask her if she washed her hands and I didn't have time to sanitize mine! But I ate it anyway. :)

Also last week, we gave a reward to all the students in the elementary grades who completed their summer math packets. The ones that didn't got to stay with me (the nice, strict teacher). One of the fourth grade boys made me smile, as he brought back memories of last year. They had been in my room at least half an hour at this point. I was quietly having a conversation with another student when suddenly (from across the room) his head pops up from the book he was reading and he says, "Who? What? When?..." Then he starts looking around the classroom noticing for the first time the things that had changed from last year. No wonder I was tired. I pray for the fourth grade teacher!

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