Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lectures & Math class dramatics

I found my strict side coming out today. (I hope they still think I'm nice!) I pretty much lectured on everything from trying to find answers in your books before asking me for help to "you are responsible for your papers, not your Mom" to proper hand sanitizer use (that sounds familiar, right? Let's just say there were globs of it where it shouldn't have been). I have to remind myself that they don't know all my expectations yet, and so I have to patiently remind them. Patiently is the key. God's still working with me on that!  

I also found myself getting dramatic during Math class. Now, I'm not usually prone to the dramatic side, but as I asked questions and saw glazed over faces and when everyone kept asking me the same question that I had just answered, I started speaking in a loud, high-pitched voice, pacing, and waving my arms. Bet you would've liked to see that, huh? Sorry, just bored third graders. 

On a more humorous note, I enjoyed eavesdropping on their lunch conversations today, which ranged from midgets to the largest lollipop in the world. Kids are the best. 

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