Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Interviews & sincere prayers

Today I overheard an older student interviewing one of my former students. The conversation went like this:
"What's the most exciting thing you did this summer?"
"I have no idea."
"Did you go on vacation?"
"Yeah, I guess." (Runs off.)
Haha, I don't think he got the information he wanted for the school newspaper article!

I love listening to kids pray. Especially when they don't care about other people listening. They're so sincere and heartfelt. I talked a little bit about how we should pray for our president, and then asked for volunteers to pray. One boy prayed this: "Dear God, I pray for President Obama... that he could... ... do... his paperwork... or... whatever he does... I don't really know."

I mean, honestly, who really does know what exactly the president does? Amen!

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