Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's September already?

Well, we're gearing up for our first full week of school! I've really been enjoying the year so far. Last Thursday, the calendar person announced the date at the beginning of the day, and one boy said, "Wait, it's September?" Haha, my feelings exactly, buddy! At the end of the day, he said, "It's the end of the day already?" Maybe he's not the most time-conscious person, but I'm taking it as a good thing!

I can tell the students are comfortable with their new teacher and classroom when:

  • Two different times during Reading class in the same day, two different students were completely kneeling on the floor by their desks... trying to clean up the floor it looked like. Let's try that at break time! 
  • One student had his jacket wrapped completely around his head... I have no reason for that one. 
And tomorrow I look forward to welcoming a new student! So my 12 increases to 13. And now the girls are outnumbered 3 to 10!! Say a prayer for them. :) 

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