Thursday, September 19, 2013

Birthday suspense

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I think my students are more excited than I am. Which makes me nervous. What do their mothers have up their sleeves? But, oh, how I love my sweet students! On Monday I made a comment about how this should be a normal week; nothing too exciting or unusual is going on. One boy raised his hand and said, "Your birthday is on Friday. That's exciting!" I replied, "I didn't even think of that, and you did." (Hmm, interesting.)

Then this morning one girl said, "We went shopping last night!" She had just been talking about the sweater she was holding, so I said, "Oh, is that sweater new?" And she said, "No, we bought your gift!" Later she volunteered to pray at the beginning of the day and she prayed that I would have a good birthday tomorrow.

Fast forward to lunch time. One of my boys came up to me and said, "Can I tell you something?"
"People are going to bring you gifts. I know it."
Smile. "Are you supposed to tell me that?" I whispered.
"Oh, well, I don't know... if they're bringing them... you know."
I let him off the hook and didn't ask any  more questions. But another boy, overhearing this, asked, "When is your birthday? Oh! Tomorrow! TOMORROW IS YOUR BIRTHDAY!"

Well, no matter what tomorrow brings, I'm looking forward to spending it with my students!

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