Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Amusing comments to get me through the day

The students were making me laugh today!

In Reading class, I asked, “How many of you have been to a circus?” Many of them raised their hands and had comments about it. One boy replied, “We were going to go to the circus one time, but instead we went to WalMart.”

Later we read a poem and were talking about thunderstorms. One boy told a story about a storm, and as he was speaking at least five more hands went up. I started saying, “We don’t have time…” One student - "Johnny" - didn't let me finish, but he knows me well. I was going to say, "We don't have time for stories right now." Beating me to it, Johnny started furiously waving his hand in the air right in front of my face, chanting, “It’s not a story, it’s not a story, it’s not a story!”
“Johnny,” I started.
“Okay, it’s a story, but-”
Of course the whole class, including myself, started laughing at that!

In Social Studies a few weeks ago I taught the class the word entrepreneur. They had the hardest time saying it, but now that they (at least some of them) can, it comes up at the oddest times. Like the other day I wanted them to remember the word foreshadowing, and someone answered "entrepreneur." Today I asked who the leader of the circus is, looking for the word ringmaster. You guessed it - someone thought he was called an entrepreneur.

In Spelling this week, all their words end with "tion." I was giving them riddles today and they were choosing spelling words to answer them. One riddle was a 3-syllable word that means “exact words.” Johnny was not into this activity, and when I tried to encourage him to find the word, he confidently said, “Oh, I know. It’s lamentation.” Not quite, buddy, especially since that's not one of your spelling words.

Johnny also happened to be the milk person today to get cartons of milk for the class. "How many pieces of milk?" he loudly asked at lunchtime. I smiled to myself and let the other students correct him.  "…whatever they’re called."

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