I was the one providing entertainment for my students... I had just finished lecturing them about how they've been too chatty and they need to calm down and focus. We started Language class, and I was in the middle of a sentence, when I saw a student pointing to something on the floor. I looked down, and there was a
huge brown blur shooting across the floor. I interrupted myself with a loud "EWW! WHAT
IS THAT?!" As the class all got to their feet and gathered around to see the creature (a disgusting thousand legger), I retreated to the corner of the room. (Many of you know I have an extreme phobia to thousand leggers.) Thankfully one brave boy offered to kill it with a tissue. (He liked being the hero.) I was so worked up over this that I could feel my face getting all flushed; the students were sure to point out that I was all red. You can imagine how long it took us to get back to Language.
After I took the students out to recess, I returned to the room and found this on my desk:
Notice the red face. It didn't take long for me to deduce that it was from my hero. He later told me he should have put the note with the thousand legger in a jar. Several times I caught him at the trash can trying to dig it out.
Needless to say, the students saw a different side of their teacher today... Glad I could provide some humor for them, although I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it!
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