Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lunchtime entertainment

Just a quick story for you today.

A few days ago, one of my boys ("Bobby") demonstrated his juggling skills for the class during lunchtime. (Incidentally, this is the same boy who was making balloon animals the other week. Maybe he'll be in a circus someday.) He was quite good for a third grader (much better than I would ever hope to be).

Today at the beginning of lunch I saw across the room that one boy ("Johnny") was up to something but I wasn't sure what. So I asked, "What are you doing, Johnny?!" His answer: "I'm juggling, like Bobby was the other day!" However, instead of juggling with nice soft balls, Johnny was "juggling" with his yogurt and fruit cup. Just as I opened my mouth to tell him that that was not a good idea (seeing as his juggling skills needed some work), up went the peaches and yogurt, down went the peaches, splitting open, spilling juice and peaches on the carpet.

Never a dull moment in the third grade classroom.

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