Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Making cents

I've been kindly reminded that I haven't written in a while... It's not for a lack of interesting students. Unfortunately, in the midst of keeping track of 30 of them (or trying to), I sometimes forget to jot down a note when one of them does something cute or funny. But these are some of the stories I've managed to remember.

I gave the class a journal writing assignment to write down the best birthday gift they'd ever gotten. There were the typical responses one would expect from third graders: Legos, dolls, toy pets, and dolls and toy pets that talk and walk and meow and bark. One student's favorite gift was a Holy Bible, and a couple girls received baby brothers! Perhaps the most interesting favorite gift was a knife and a set of utensils. I love the variety! 

I continue to receive lots of notes and drawings from my sweet girls. But I was pleasantly surprised to find this in my mailbox from one of my rough-and-tumble boys:

I think I mentioned before that this class laughs at my jokes. They even laugh when I don't realize I made a joke. We were going over the answer to a math problem, and I asked "Does that make sense?" After a pause, I heard giggles throughout the room. I thought I was missing something that someone was doing. "What's so funny?" I asked. Finally, one of the boys piped up, "The answer was seven cents, and you asked, 'Does that make sense?'" Haha, clever class I have! 

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