Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reasons for smiling

Some of my reasons for smiling this week: 

One of the sentences on their spelling homework was:
"Noah walked with God and was _____."
They had to choose the word "bright" or "upright" to fit into the sentence. My aide came to me and said, "Well, half of the class thinks Noah was bright." We counted it right. I mean, I think it takes a pretty bright man to build a giant ark.

On another assignment, they had to write directions for whistling. Here are some of my favorite excerpts.
"First make a hole in your mouth." 
"You put your lips in a circle like you kiss someone on the cheek."  
"First shape your mouth like you're going to kiss someone, then blow through the kiss." 
"If you blow wildly you are not going to get anywhere." 

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