Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just a typical day

A typical day in the life of a third grade teacher might include some or all of the following:

  • Untying a girl's shoelaces which she knotted together and couldn't unknot, because her fingernails were just trimmed
  • Telling one of the boys that he should not take his snack with him to the bathroom
  • Listening in amusement when the boys think one girl's birthday treat is a fishing rod... and listening to the girls explain that it is actually a shoe

  • Having one of your students tell you she is saving her birthday money in her piggy bank for a car... She already knows the one she wants. 
  • Marking answers wrong on a language test, even though they make sense. (The plural of wife could be women.)
  • Deciphering answers written as doodles. 

(Okay, I admit... not all of these events happened in one day. But they did all happen in the last two weeks.)

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