Monday, January 27, 2014

I have a dream...

Last week we learned about Martin Luther King Jr. We listened to a clip of his speech and discussed his dream. On Friday I had the students write about what some of their dreams are. I was so excited to read what they wrote. I was not disappointed.   I have students who want to be doctors, horse trainers, cowgirls, teachers (yes!), baseball players, and car racers. I have students who want to learn how to drive, want to have children, and want to work at a store. Here are some highlights for you:

I have a dream...

  • become really strong.
  • be able to fly.  
  • I want to be famous.
  • I want to be liked. 
  • One day I want to make a cake on my own. 
  • One day I want to learn children. 
  • One day I hope that I will be an archaeologist in Egypt. 
  • I want to swim with the dolphins. 
  • My dream is to become a doctor... I'm going to go to college but first I'll get a job before I become a doctor to pay the money for college. 
  • I am going to become the president's bodyguard. 
  • When I become policeman I want to have two other policemen along and stroll the streets of Ephrata. 

Some dreams are simple. Some are brave. Some seem hard. But I pray that that won't stop these boys and girls as they grow into men and women. After all, Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was hard.

All of these dreams are good, and all of them make me smile. What is your dream? (It's never too late to dream, you know!)

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