Thursday, August 22, 2013

Goodbye summer! Hello school!

I can already tell this is going to be a fun year. My students were talkative and happy and cooperative!

I had to smile inside when I found myself - within the first half hour of school - saying things like, "Please walk!" "Raise your hand if you have something to say." "Keep your hands to yourself!" They must forget this stuff over the summer. So we said goodbye to summer and hello to school!

We each wrote something we liked about the summer and something we're looking forward to in the school year. (Also Pinterest-inspired!) Most of them are looking forward to things like "field trips," "friends" and "gym," which are all good things to be excited about. But I was thrilled to also see "times" (multiplication), "handwriting," and "Book-It"!

I think I'll have some helpful little teachers this year as well. One boy, looking at the schedule, kept asking questions like, "Is it time for break yet?" "When is our treasure hunt?" At one point I said,  "You have to be patient." Another student turned around and said to him, "Patience is a virtue." Indeed. I think that was my favorite moment of the day. :) Looking forward to many more!

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