Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Snack battles

Okay, so I understand it was naive and idealistic of me to assume my students would understand and follow my expectations within the first week of school. I even understand it takes some up to a month to get acclimated to a new classroom. But now they've been in my class for six months! Over those six months, even though break time is at 10:30 every day and the routine hasn't changed since Day 1, I've found myself having to clarify the proper procedures for snack at break time. (Is it unreasonable of me to think that I shouldn't have to anymore?)

  1. You may eat a healthy snack that you bring from home.   Which soon changed to: 
  2. You may eat a snack that you bring from home. (I long ago gave up trying to make them eat fruit and veggies instead of chips and cookies. I need to save my energy for the necessary battles.)
  3. Please don't eat your sandwich at break time. 
  4. You may not eat your whole lunch at break time. (Yes, this was an actual problem. Therefore, one day one student's lunch consisted of milk.)
Which brings us to yesterday.

After visiting the secondary students' academic fair, I instructed my students to sit at their desks and get out their journals. All the students quietly followed my directions. All but one, that is. This student got his snack, sat down, and calmly started eating his pack of cookies.  

I stopped giving instructions mid-sentence. I wanted to say "Take a look around. Is anyone else eating a snack before break time?" But not wanting to take the time to hear what prompted this dear student to think this was acceptable behavior (as entertaining as it may have been), I instead informed him it wasn't break yet and he'd have to wait to eat his snack. He stopped eating, I continued giving instructions, and we were able to move forward with our journal writing. 

Just one of the100 or so interruptions that occur in my classroom throughout a typical day. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh this morning... :)
    Praying you have a great day today!
    Have fun w/ them at the pizza party they "earned"! :)
