Sunday, February 4, 2018

Full/super/blue moon

The beginning of February means the end of winter, according to one student. (I wish.)

Perhaps it had something to do with the full/super/blue moon, but there were some interesting conversations taking place in our classroom during the last week of January.

  • One boy, after taking entirely too long in the bathroom, informed me it was because his favorite stall was taken, so he decided to wait until he could use it. 
  • I overheard the whole class debating whether Miss Weaver is a chicken or a hen. (I don't know. I don't want to.)
  • Some of the students were discussing what they might name their children some day. There were suggestions such as King Edward and Nero. One student - "Sam" - said, "If I ever have twins, I'll name one... Sam, and the other one... Sam!" 
  • I often tell the students to make good use of their time if they're finished with all their work (read a book, practice multiplication facts, etc.). One day I noticed one boy had his head down on his desk, so I asked him to come help me with something. Later, he asked, "Is taking a nap making good use of your time?" (Absolutely, it is!) 
  • We started a new unit in writing, one where they get to be a bit more creative. I am slightly uneasy about teaching it, because I like more structure, but after the first lesson, one boy exclaimed, "Now you're making us like writing!" 
  • A couple sweet girls blessed me with some encouraging notes. I love how the one reminds me, above all, to love God! 

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