Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tomatoes, lions, and a dollar a day

The year is winding down to a close... only 12 more days of school this year! I have so many memories to cherish. This is just a snapshot of a few of them from the last week or so.

I feel so appreciated and loved. Not only do I receive gifts, but I am also regularly blessed with handwritten notes and pictures.

There is nothing like reading a nine-year-old's writing. (I have come to realize through conferencing with students on their writing projects that sometimes I am better at deciphering their writing than they are!)

When asked to write about an Easter memory:
When I was about five I tried a tomato my first time (I was forced). I threw it against the wall after I took a bite. It almost hit my grandma.

After reading the story of Daniel and the lions' den, the students were asked: What "lions" can the Lord deliver you from?
  • school work 
  • thunderstorms
  • going to bed 
  • For Social Studies because I sometimes get stuck on a question. 
  • brothers and sisters 
And definitely my favorite:
  • Making a yes answer to a boy of marrying me. 

And we have a new, revised quote, as one of my students proclaimed one day: "A dollar a day keeps the doctor away!"

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