Monday, May 25, 2015

Calm and frustrated and all excited

I can tell summer is just around the corner. For one thing, the noise level has never been louder in my classroom (and I mean never, as in all five years I've been teaching). And then there are the sentimental little notes and gifts I keep receiving from students. Even though I'm still in school mode (because I see everything we still need to accomplish before the year is over, and I'm not quite ready to say good-bye!), some of my students are definitely on vacation mode.

This note was handed to me last week, with at least ten more days of school.

Apparently, this student is ready to start calling me by my first name now that she's almost done with third grade. :)

I'm touched by this creative poem from a student who would probably not claim to enjoy writing. (I'll do my best to translate it!)
Teachers are nice and some are scared of mice. :)
Some are mean. Sometimes they're grumpy, sad, or maybe they're mad.
They give rewards and they're disappointed.
They like and dislike.
They're calm and frustrated and they're all excited. 

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