Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas cheer

Third graders are pretty easy to please, for the most part, but especially at Christmastime! I found this out at the beginning of the month when I put up a total of three Christmas/winter decorations:

a string of lights,

a little snowman,

and a penguin cookie jar.

But when the students walked in that first day, you should have heard them exclaim over those three items. You would've thought I'd spent hours decorating.

Since we had school today - two days before Christmas, I didn't make them work too hard. We spent a lot of time doing activities to remind us of the real meaning of Christmas - Jesus! I had also told them before the party in the afternoon that they would have to clean out their desks (because they desperately needed it). Surprisingly, all morning they kept asking if was time to clean out their desks yet! Afterwards, one boy was so pleased with his clean desk, he said, "I can't wait till we come back from Christmas vacation!"

I gave each of them a gift. I usually get the same thing every year - an inexpensive art kit:

The students were thrilled. (Even though some of them informed me they knew that's what I was giving, because I give it every year.) Before opening it, some boys thought maybe it was Legos. I was happy to hear that the art kit was "much better than Legos!"

I also got my share of gifts from my students. (Good news for my sweet tooth.) The thing that melted my heart the most was a homemade card from a sweet girl. She told me that I'm the best teacher ever and to keep up the good work and to have a wonderful Christmas. Then underneath her signature, she wrote, "go to the back." And on the back it said, "I love you, Miss Weaver."

Praying all of you are blessed this Christmas season as much I already have been. And amidst the gifts and the decorations and the cards and the time spent together, let us not forget the best gift ever:
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

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