Saturday, January 13, 2018

Writing samples to brighten your day

I believe it's time to share some writing samples from my kiddos with you, because there's nothing like reading the sincere words of a child to brighten your day!

On a Social Studies test, they were asked to explain the following quote: “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”

“It means people are killing people and the martyrs don’t make any excuses. The seed grows and the Christianity grows.”

“It means that even though Christians died for their faith it just helped more and more people to become Christians. So even though the emperors tried to stop Christianity, it just helped more and more people to believe so that made the church even bigger.”

“When Christians are willing to die for their faith, other people see that if they’re willing to die for their faith then God must be someone important. And they turn their hearts to God.”

“People die for their faith and nonbelievers see that, and think WOW! Their God is so great they’re dying for him. And so I believe that God made that happen for good. So other nonbelievers could become believers of him.”

"Write about your favorite place. Include where it is located, a description of it, and why it is so special to you."

"One of my favorite places is….. School. We get to learn a lot and play/talk with friends at recess. We have a lot of fun times learning! If I had to tell words to describe my class they would be fun, awesome, friendly and FF (friends forever)."

On a reading page, they wrote the story of Lazarus's resurrection from his point of view. (We had just studied David in Bible class.)

“I was in heaven and I sang songs with other people. I got a picture of David.” 

“I heard a voice calling to me. It was like a lion’s roar. It said: LAZARUS COME OUT!!! It was Jesus calling me. I stood and waddled out. Jesus told them to unwrap the grave cloth. I couldn’t believe it. I was alive again!” 

“...and then I was in heaven, and there was a race car I could drive it wherever I wanted. First I went to see God. And then David and he signed his name on my shirt. Then God said Lazarus you are going to come to earth again. Before I knew it I was alive. I stood up and hopped over to Jesus and said “hi” and then they unwrapped the cloths.”

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