Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Give thanks for everything

And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~Ephesians 5:20

Right now it is so easy to give thanks to God. He has blessed me abundantly.

I am thankful for grateful and creative students.
What has God done for you that you are thankful for?
"I’m thankful to be free that we can worship God without fighting."
"giving me a baby sister"
"He gave us color in the world so it would not be all black and white."
I am thankful for moms who make Thanksgiving turkeys for our snack. 

I am thankful for dedicated parents who make my work load way easier!

I am thankful for surprise gifts from students and their parents just to stay "thank you." 

I am thankful for students and parents who know me well! 

I am thankful for kind notes from sweet students.

I am thankful that we still have six more months of school together!

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