Monday, October 3, 2016

Horse funerals and instincts

I was feeling a little stressed out today, and it's like God knows when I need to relax and smile. I was reading to the students about Alexander the Great, and I got to the part where his horse died and they had a funeral for it. As I was showing the picture of the dead horse being paraded through the streets, one of the boys started humming the tune to "Here comes the bride..." Wrong ceremony, buddy.

I also found an informative note on my desk today saying, "Annie got a crush on Bobby." (Don't worry; the names have been changed to protect little Annie's identity!)

Last week I was in the bathroom, unbeknownst to two of my girls who were also using the bathroom. The rest of the class was in art class, and I overheard one of them say, "I don't want to miss art, so I'm not going to wash my hands!" But I feel very strongly about hand-washing, so I piped up, "Oh, no, you need to wash your hands!" (Surprise! The teacher's in the bathroom!)

Another day I was having a conversation with one of the boys about how he shouldn't be talking during class. He said, "I hate to bring him into this sentence, but..." and went on to explain that he was talking because another boy had asked him a question. I told him it's still his responsibility to not talk, and he doesn't have to answer a question. "But I have an instinct to answer when someone asks me a question."

Some days it's just impossible to stay too serious.

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