Sunday, September 11, 2016

Entertainment & encouragement

I believe this year is going to be entertaining, at the very least.  There are a few snapshots from the past week that I managed to remember:
  • One girl gave me a bookmark that came with her book cover. She spent some time explaining why she was giving it to me and ended by saying, "I didn't think it looked very nice, so I decided to give it to you." 
  • I overheard one student coming into the classroom muttering, "I'm a thirsty centipede robot." 
  • At the end of the day on Tuesday (after coming back from Labor Day weekend), I was having the students write their homework assignment on their calendars, and one boy asked, "Is it Friday?" 
  • During a Language lesson, a few students kept giggling, but I couldn't figure out why. Turns out they find the word "caret" amusing. 
  • And this: 

I spent a lot of the week trying to make my expectations clear and enforce them, and it felt like I wasn't being a very nice teacher. So these little notes I found along the way were so special and encouraging. 

To top off a long week, I was so happy to find these two sweet notes in my mailbox on Friday afternoon. 
Miss Weaver, I like having you for a teacher. But I do not like math. Can you make math funner. and I do not like science. Can you make science more interesting.
Dear Miss Weaver, Thanks for being a kind and loving teacher to me. I like spelling it is fun we should do it more often. I'm glad your birthday is soon coming up. You are a very funny teacher that's what I like about you. 

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