Sunday, January 24, 2016

Report card

Last Tuesday morning, one boy entered the classroom excitedly chatting about the three feet of snow we'd be getting over the weekend. Some of the other students disagreed with him about the amount, to which he replied, "Yes we are! Two feet of snow on Friday and one foot on Saturday."
I said, "It's too early! They don't know yet!"
His reply made me laugh. "It's better to hope than to doubt!"
He sure told me... although we were hoping for different things. But I'm happy for him that he at least got two feet of snow!

I did something risky on Friday. Since I handed out their report cards, I decided it was only fair for them to give me a report card too, so I could see how I'm doing. It seems like I have some things to work on. Of course there are some things they wish they could change about third grade that I have no power to change (or that I will choose not to):
Art every day and no science
No homework
More gym
That I could be taller 
But I will have to seek some clarification for some of the suggestions.
How could I be a better teacher?
By being a little bit more senceable. (Did she mean sensitive? Or am I really not very sensible in her eyes?)
Less talking (Haha! I wish!)
And then there were sweet responses such as this one:
You are a good teacher. We will miss you. I love you, Miss Weaver. (I guess she's already thinking about the end of the year.)

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