Friday, September 25, 2015

A t-rex in language class

I told you about the girl with a tissue box on her desk. Today I noticed one of the girls has a whole bottle of hand sanitizer on her desk. Maybe that's a good idea. (Those of you who know me know I do love my hand sanitizer!)

One day we made brownies as an introduction to writing "how-to" paragraphs. They were too warm to eat right after they came out of the oven, so we ate them after we came back from our time in the library. The next week, we were getting ready to go to the library and one boy said to me, "Every time I think about the library, I think about brownies!" (Yes, that would be nice if we could have brownies every Tuesday.)

The funniest story I have from the last couple weeks is when we learned about a thesaurus. I wrote the word thesaurus on the board and asked if anyone knew what is was. One girl guessed a dinosaur. I said, "No, but that's a good guess, because it has the same ending as a lot of dinosaur names, like...stegosaurus..." I'm not very good at remembering dinosaur names, so they helped me by calling some more out... One girl called out, "T-rex!" which didn't really fit, but I ignored it and kept going. We discussed what a thesaurus is and how we use it to make our writing better, and then I asked them, "What is the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus?" This girl raised her hand and said, "Well, a t-rex has more words..." So I had to clarify that a thesaurus is not actually called a t-rex.

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