Sunday, December 7, 2014

Bubbly, fizzy laughter

For Christmas this year, I decided to read an Advent book with my class. It's called Unwrapping the Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp. On Friday we read about the gift of laughter. Ann puts it this way:
God brings us the gift of laughter - like bubbly, fizzy, soda-pop joy for our hearts.
Laughing is one of my most favorite things in life. I invited the students to share about the last time they experienced "bubbly, fizzy laughter." I loved hearing them tell their stories and smile and giggle the whole way through. One girl, who is typically very shy and quiet, could hardly get through her story because she was giggling so much. I've never seen her smile so wide. Another boy told us a story that made all of us erupt into fizzy laughter. He said he went to the bathroom and when he came out, his mom asked him if he flushed his hands and washed the toilet. 

I told them their assignment for the weekend was to enjoy laughing with others and to thank God for the gift of laughter. I had lots of opportunities to complete that assignment on Friday night with my sisters. I don't know the last time I've had such bubbly, fizzy laughter. 

I'll end with another one of Ann's quotes, because it's so good: 
Jesus is the end of our story - and the beginning of our story - and the best part of our story.  Because of Him we can sing fa-la-la-la-la and feel what laughter does inside of us - it sends soda-pop-fizzing, bubbly joy all the way down to our toes.

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