Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jumping Jacks in Math Class

Writing can be very difficult for children. For example, when using vocabulary words in sentences, one student wrote: "It is unusual for a mouse to eat a dog." Unusual indeed.

On a language worksheet, they were supposed to write two sentences with an action verb in present tense. Most students came up with sentences like these:

They run a lot. They hit the ball. 
The pitcher pitches the ball. The batter hits it. 
I like playing baseball. I play baseball with my dad. 
They run in baseball. The catcher catches the ball. 
We will find a book. (She missed the baseball part of the directions.)

This baseball fan's sentences made me smile:

Brad Lidge winds up and pitches strike three. The Phillies win the World Series. (A bit of fantasy involved as well, perhaps?)

The yearbook staff asked me to have the students write a 75-word paragraph about a highlight or special event from third grade. Those of you who know third graders can imagine how hard it might be for some of them to write about one topic using 75 words. If you don't know any third graders, let me enlighten you. Here are some sample sentences from a few paragraphs:

I love reading! It is fun!... I love the stories. Stories are so much fun… I like books a lot! Do you like books?

I like Bible class. Learning about Bible characters is always fun… Bible is always fun! I think I will always enjoy Bible.

Language is fun! Do you like language? I hope you do because I do… Do you have fun in language? Have fun in language… Did you write a letter? I like writing letters. Do you like writing letters?

I also like handwriting. I’m really good at handwriting. We are doing cursive in handwriting. Do you like handwriting? I do. I enjoy handwriting. 

They wanted 75 words? They got 75 words. 

I also have to share my all time favorite 75-word paragraph. 
Jumping Jacks in Math Class 
It is fun to do jumping jacks in math class. You've been sitting for a while and you can do exercise for a little. In Gym class we do jumping jacks but it does not feel as good because you can stand up and stretch. It is not all jumping jacks; you can do lots of other exercises too. In math class the exercises do not make me feel like they are hard work. They feel easy. 

We've done jumping jacks maybe three or four times in math class. But let me tell you, I think I should have this student teach persuasive writing, because today we did jumping jacks in math class.

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