Saturday, February 6, 2016

Problem solving

After our short snow week, this past week we were able to get back into our normal routine. However, the boy who predicted three feet of snow has since been praying for more snow.

I have concluded that at least 25% of a teacher's job is problem solving.
I can't find my February calendar.
My magnet isn't on the board.
I can't find my packet.
I can't get my clementine peeled.
How long should I put this in the microwave?
I don't have a spoon in my lunch.
I accidentally put glue on the pattern.
I lost my sticker chart.
I don't know where my coat is.
I would love to say that I always respond patiently and helpfully. However, there are times when a sigh escapes my mouth, and times when I walk away without immediately answering, and times when I stare blankly, thinking, "What would you like me to do about that?"
I only have one sandwich in my lunch.
One day this week, one of the girls asked me if she could tell the class something. I agreed, and she proceeded to ask the class how many of them would like to take a ride in an airplane with her dad. I told her that she better talk to her dad about that before she starts making plans. The next day, she says to the class, "My dad says he can't take you for a ride in the airplane. He sends his apologies."

The class was doing a good job yesterday, so I said, "I'll give you some marbles" (in the marble jar).
Student: Seven!
Me: No, I said some.
Student: My sister says some means seven. 

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