Monday, February 3, 2020

Predictions, name suggestions, and blue pens

These are exciting times in my third grade classroom. A couple months ago I played a special game of hangman with my students.

Last week we looked at Old Wives' Tales to predict whether I was going to have a boy or girl. Fifteen students predicted a girl; ten predicted a boy; one predicted girl + boy.

I also asked for name suggestions, for both genders. My husband and I realized as we looked through the names that most third graders probably can't think of names outside of people they know. Four students suggested their own names. At least seven suggested a classmate's name. Many suggested siblings' or parents' names. One even suggested my name. And then there were five Graces, three Gracies, four Hopes, three Carters (which happens to be my  nephew's name), and three Bobs. There were a few creative standouts: Willie and Jase (Duck Dynasty fan, perhaps?) and Whon (creative spelling of Juan, I believe).

My husband and I found out the gender on Friday, so today the students broke a piƱata to reveal the gender.

One blue pen slipped out and soon the boys were chanting, "It's a boy!"
It's fun to share this time with a class of 8-and 9-year old kiddos!