Friday, April 19, 2019

Tall tale

 A few weeks ago, we read a tall tale from our reading books. The students were then asked to write their own tall tales. This one was too good not to share with you. (I promise I did not change a thing except spelling, so you can easily read it. )

Once there was a lovely lady named Ashley. She was beautiful! She lived in Montana. But she had a huge problem. Every boy who saw her fainted because she was so pretty. And she wanted it to stop so she flew up into the sky and let herself fall to the ground. And she was very ugly but she was not hurt! She walked down the road pleased with herself. And every boy she saw said, “Ew!” Except for a boy named Oliver he was a handsome young man. And he fell in love with her because he didn’t care how she looked he cared about her heart. And they lived happily ever after!