Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Today was the last school day before Christmas break, and I like to show my love and appreciation for my students by giving each of them a small gift. Usually I secretly keep the gifts hidden away until I’m ready to surprise the students in the last few minutes of school. But I got to thinking that the anticipation of opening a gift is almost as good as the gift itself, so I tried something new this year. I set all 28 presents on a pile in the front of the classroom. I was not disappointed by the anticipatory looks and comments from kids who were pretty sure the presents were for them, but not 100% sure. With wide eyes full of glee, they exclaimed and inquired:
“What are those?” (while pointing at the pile).
“Why are there so many presents?”
“When are we opening presents? First thing, or in the middle, or at the end?”

Earlier this week I asked students to write about Christmas. These were some of their responses: 

“One of my grandma’s rooms is fool fool of presents.” 
“I know some people who have fake Christmas trees. What’s the point?”
“My favorite part of Christmas is opening gifts and eating candy and sledding.”
“The best gift to my mom was a loving hug.”
“My favorite thing about Christmas is opening gifts. I will relax and wake up late and open gifts.”
“The best thing I ever got was a Leapfrog it’s like a tablet but teaches you stuff (almost).”
“My favorite part of the Christmas season is that it snows.”
“The best gift I ever got was Jesus Christ the Lord.” 
“The best gift I ever gave to someone is my love.”
“The best gift I ever gave was a book I gave to my sister that I wanted to keep for myself.”

Well I don't know about you, but I also will be relaxing, waking up late, opening gifts, giving loving hugs, and eating candy. (No sledding, though.) Merry Christmas!