The year is flying by, and the students are learning and growing so much!
In science, they learned the difference between "instinct" and "learned behavior." Examples of learned behavior:
“A dog doing a handstand”
“A frog doing tricks”
Two weeks after our Oregon Dairy field trip we took a service trip to the Global Aid Network warehouse. (One student asked me, "Are we going to have a field trip every two weeks?") The students did a nice job writing about the experience in their journals:
What we did today was we packed boxes of notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, crayons, sharpeners, and toothbrushes. And we prayed over the boxes so that the people who would get them it would be a blessing to them. And the gifts we gave were for school. I liked doing it because I felt like I was doing something that God wanted me to do. And I thought I would bless the kids who got them.
Gain was not heated but since everyone helped it got a little hot. It felt very good helping people in different countries though I got pretty tired!
We worked hard all day serving God. We prayed over the boxes so the people would get to know about God. I felt so happy and helpful because we were helping people all over the world!
It felt awesome to help others! It’s a wonder why I wasn’t tired afterward?
It felt honorable to help kids my age. When I got upset and tired I thought about what their faces would look like when they got to hold their packages.