Saturday, March 18, 2017

We love our grandparents

It's been too long since I've written. We are just plugging along, with only a quarter of the year left! Currently we are preparing for Grandparents' Day. The students have written some very nice pieces to give to their grandparents, and as always, I like to share some of the highlights with you. After reading all of their writing, it is evident to me that grandparents are very special people, and we love them very much! And also, grandparents give lots of candy!

Grandpas are for...
  • letting you mow the lawn.
  • fixing my stuff.
  • making you laugh.
  • setting up remote control trains.
  • knowledge.
  • chocolate. They’ll let you have two or three pieces of it.
  • giving black licorice.
  • letting you keep their dog.
  • spoiling me.
  • giving you big bear hugs.
  • watching softball games with.
  • getting up early and on Sundays they will take a little nap.
  • throwing the old pigskin around or at least that’s what most grandpas call it. I usually just call it a football.
  • sharing sandwiches.
  • helping me when I try to make my own rock collection and ant collection too.
  • letting me play on his iPad.
  • giving you the last of the dessert.
  • watching train movies because he has a lot of them.
  • model trains to see if they work alright.
  • eating pizza.

Grandmas are for... 
  • buying stuff.
  • helping to make you happy.
  • making you smile.
  • letting me play with old toys.
  • good memories.
  • letting you write secret notes to them.
  • giving you a discount when you don’t have enough money.
  • taking you mini golfing and taking you to Burger King and McDonald’s.
  • letting you watch movies when you are bored.
  • letting you stay up late.
  • screaming contests.
  • licking the bowl after making chocolate chip cookies.

It's also evident that one of the most special things about grandmas are the food that they make! 

  • Grandmas are for making yummy food.
  • They bake good bars. They bake good brownies. They bake good bread. They bake good cakes. They make good meals.
  • Grandmas are for cookies, apple pies, peach pies, vanilla pies, shoofly pies.